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DIscount Programs

Below are the two discount programs we offer and their details

military/LE/First Responders

For all Military (active, veteran, or retired), Law Enforcement (current or retired), and First Responders*. As a thank you for your service to our country and our communities, we are happy to offer a 15% discount on any services we offer. This excludes physical products such as optics, sights, etc. Just send a copy of your credentials to and we will send you a single use coupon code for use during checkout. If you need to use your discount again in the future, just let us know and we can reactivate it for you!

A valid copy of your credentials is required for this discount. Please feel free to redact any sensitive information (i.e. social security numbers etc...)

*First responders: includes firefighters, law enforcement officers, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, or other individuals (including employees of a legally organized and recognized volunteer organization, whether compensated or not), who, in the course of their professional duties, responds to fire, medical, hazardous material, or other similar emergencies.

Image by Cristina Glebova

responsibly armed citizens (R.a.c.)

We believe that continued firearms training is an important part of firearms ownership and use. As such, we are happy to offer a 10% discount for any services we offer (excludes physical products such as optics, sights, etc.) to those who seek further development of their pistol shooting skillset by taking in-person pistol use training classes. Here are the details:

Simply send a copy of your invoice, receipt, or certificate of completion to for a pistol related training class taken or scheduled during the same calendar year (please redact any sensitive information). For example: A class taken in January of 2023 counts for the duration of 2023. A class paid for and scheduled for December 2023 counts for all of 2023. You must show proof that the class has been paid for or completed.

Once we receive a valid copy of your invoice or receipt, we will send you a single use coupon code good for 10% off during checkout. If you need to use your discount again during the same calendar year, let us know and we can reactivate it for you!

Our intent for this program is to encourage our customers to continually train and develop their proficiency in the use a pistol so that they are better equipped to defend themselves, their families, and others around them. 

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